Update June 2023 these are the current classes running or coming up

  • New Tai Chi Class: Mondays at 11am. This class is running every Monday for 1 hour, focusing on yang style long form we will also explore other styles from time to time. Venue-Spectrum centre, town center, Inverness–Price is £28 billed monthly-Class cap: 15 (currently full/waiting list open)-Open to all levels
  • Tai chi and qigong in Kiltarlity: this class runs on Tuesday mornings 10am till 11am, we currently have 0 free spaces, do contact me if you are looking to join the class.

All classes are billed monthly, as well as your class you have access to our free youtube practice offerings and can also ask to have access to our backlog of classes.

These classes teach Yang style tai chi taught in the NaiShinDo lineage. NAiShinDo means Inner Sacred Way, and is a network of schools and tai chi classes in Japan founded by Master Fu Tamon Toyoki Nagao. My own master, Rebecca Knowles, learnt Tai Chi in Japan in the 1990’s, learning from Master Fu Tamon Toyoki Nagao.

The first form learnt is the long form, large frame hand form, and we can then progress from there to include partner work and weapons forms. These classes are suitable for all levels of fitness as we can adapt to suit your level and ability.

The benefits of learning Tai Chi are numerous starting with balanced immune system, improving your muscle mass, working on your core, better mind/body connection, improved moods and better overall balance…Please check the Tai Chi Chuan page for more details on benefits.

Join our friendly group and discover Tai Chi and its many benefits. Beginners are always welcome.